Have you ever found yourself saying things like, ‘I only jumped the 40cm class’ or ‘It was only an Intro test’, when you have accomplished something with your horse?

Riders who downplay their achievements in this way have been urged to stop saying ‘just’ and ‘only’ and start celebrating what they have managed with their equine partner.

The advice has been shared by Garlands Farm Trekking and Riding Centre, in the hope of inspiring riders to make the most of all their efforts in the saddle.

“Why do we say, ‘I ‘just’ did X, Y or Z’?” they said. “I’m forever hearing things such as, ‘I ‘only’ walked today’, ‘I ‘just’ rode for 10 minutes’, ‘I’m ‘only’ doing the intro test’, or ‘I’m ‘only’ jumping the 40cm class’.

“Why do we make it seem like any of those achievements are not good enough? You are still doing it. That deserves celebration and a giant pat on your back.

“It doesn’t matter if you’re jumping a 20cm jump or 1.2m jump – you still left the ground, you still did it. Be proud of your efforts and achievements. There’s no need to feel shame, you aren’t competing with anyone else – the journey is yours, and yours alone.

“If you felt brave enough to push yourself out of your comfort zone, then that is incredible.”

Riders are advised to rephrase the way they talk about their accomplishment, and rather than saying ‘just’ or ‘only’ instead say they are proud of themselves.

“Try, ‘I had an awesome walk on my horse today’, ‘I had the best 10 minutes riding’, ‘I’m excited to be entering an Intro dressage test, or ‘I’m going to smash the 40cm class’.”

The advice was shared on social media by Horse Resource; The Equine Consultant.

“It’s something I feel really strongly about,” she told Your Horse. “As a coach I hear so many people saying they’re not good enough for XYZ – when actually grassroots riders are the foundation of our industry.”

The BHS Senior Coach caters for riding school or grassroots riders and will be launching Cherry Tree Saddle Club for the leisure riders in Sadberge, Darlington, as she says there is a lack of such services in the area.

“Ability, horsepower, confidence and finances shouldn’t stop people being able to be coached by experienced people,” she added.

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