HAPPA (Horses and Ponies Protection Association) is calling on members of the public to vote for special equestrians for the charity’s annual award ceremony. Every year HAPPA seeks nominations from members of the public for three awards in recognition of services to equines, welfare and HAPPA.

Nominees are then invited to a ceremony at the charity’s farm in Lancashire, in November, where the winners are announced.

“This is a great way to honour and recognise those people who are going above and beyond in the name of animal welfare for ponies, horses and donkeys,” said Head of Marketing and Fundraising at HAPPA, Julie Pharaoh-Gan. “Every year since the awards launched, we have received nominations for fantastic individuals who are doing their bit for a charity, for their own rescued equine, or for HAPPA.

“I know that our judging panel always find it so difficult to pick a winner as they are all so deserving. We hope this year to receive more nominations than ever before and make the ceremony in November a fabulous event.”

Submit your nominations

The Ken Cranage Memorial Trophy is presented annually to a member of the equine community by the charity. Nominations are welcomed from any charity or organisation. The award is to recognise an employee or volunteer who has made an outstanding contribution to equine welfare.

Submit your nomination here 

The Mona Huskie Award is presented to a member of the public who devotes (or did devote) their life to their rescued horse, pony or donkey. Nominations are welcomed from any charity or individual who knows someone deserving of this accolade.

Submit your nomination here 

The charity is also looking for volunteers to be nominated for the Admiral Memorial Award.

Submit your nomination here

Lead image of HAPPA Dorito, one of the charity’s rescue ponies

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