We’ve all done it – scooped off the top when we’re in a rush, promising ourselves we’ll tackle the wet underneath when we have a moment. Then you get to it, it doesn’t look all that bad, you lift up the first layer and underneath it’s a disaster zone. I can hear your sighs.
Doing a deep clean of your horse’s stable can seem like a big job, but will be made a little easier with this step-by-step guide.
1. Only attempt a thorough clean out when your horse is out in the paddock. You’ll need the space, and while we know many horses like to be ‘helpful’ it will be a quicker process without his distractions.
2. Start off with your usual poop scoop and taking out the wet, then take it a step further. Be picky, you don’t need to completely remove all the bedding and start from scratch – although you should try to do this every once in a while – just try to leave only the dry and clean.
3. Pile up the clean bedding at the edges of the stable, or pick one side (if you have any clean bedding left). If you have rubber matting remove it and wash it using a stiff brush, hot water and disinfectant. Do the same for the floor of the stable.Let the floor and mats dry and the stable air before replacing any mats or laying the bedding back down.
4. Shake out bedding to cover. Especially with straw it’s important to shake it all out with a fork so that it’s not compacted. Make sure there’s enough space for your horse to lie down. You can also bulk up the sides – this can make it a bit comfier and safer for your horse.
5. If your horse is in for long periods of time, or is on box rest for injury make the bed a bit thicker than you would normally. For post-injury box rest for open wounds it’s especially important to disinfect your horse’s stable to prevent infection of the wound.