Following 10 years of advocacy by the International Coalition for Working Equids (ICWE), the United Nations (UN) has adopted a resolution formally acknowledging the essential role of working animals in disaster risk reduction. 

ICWE, which comprises animal welfare organisations Brooke, The Donkey Sanctuary, SPANA and World Horse Welfare, has been campaigning for a decade for working animals to be included into the resolution in line with their presence in the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction. 

Working animals fulfill important roles during catastrophic events such as earthquakes, floods and volcanic eruptions. Horses, donkeys and mules provide essential support by transporting resources, evacuating people and accessing areas where vehicles cannot. 

“We are delighted that working animals are finally recognised for the vital support they provide to communities around the world during times of disaster,” said Jessica Stark, chair of ICWE and director of communications and public affairs at World Horse Welfare.  

“As a coalition of the world’s leading working animal welfare organisations, with a collective presence in over 50 countries, ICWE is advocating for the millions of working equids around the world to be better protected when disasters strike, for instance by evacuating them to safety and giving them essential food, water and veterinary care.”

‘Life-saving role’

The UN resolution ensures member states consider working animals in their disaster resilience and risk management plans. 

“In the aftermath of a disaster, working animals can play a critical and often life-saving role,” said Linda Edwards, Chief Executive at SPANA.

“I personally witnessed donkeys and mules delivering essential aid following the Morocco earthquake which struck in 2023, reaching isolated communities that might otherwise have not received support.

“These extraordinary animals are invaluable assets to their communities, yet their contributions during humanitarian responses are often disregarded, and they are typically the last to receive assistance.

“Working animals are sentient beings, deserving of lives free from pain and suffering. The inclusion of working animals in the UN resolution is a monumental step toward a future where every working animal is not only recognised, but valued and respected.”

Main image (c) Brooke.

Further reading