Working your horse over a grid of fences has numerous benefits for you and him. Eventer Will Furlong explains them all and how to be successful with grids.

  1. Plan one gridwork session a week with your horse and you’ll soon start to reap the benefits
  2. Ask a capable horsey friend to help you from the ground and alter the grid
  3. Always check your distances.
  4. Keep your gridwork sessions short and fun for your horse.
  5. Only change the grid when you and your horse are happy and confident.
  6. To keep your horse listening to you vary whether you approach the grid in trot or canter.
  7. If your horse gets a bit keen coming into the grid approach in trot.
  8. Don’t do too much and over ride, keep it simple, you’re responsible for your horse’s straightness and impulsion.
  9. Allow your horse to make mistakes, he’ll learn from them. It’ll take about five or six times through a grid for your horse to understand what you’re asking him to do.
  10. If your horse tends to land and rush off on landing pull up in a straight line after the grid.

Watch Will ride the two gridwork exercises at