Hack 2: The Relaxy Hack
Sometimes when you’ve had a busy week schooling or you’ve been out competing you just want a hack where your horse can stretch it out. Find a hack where there isn’t likely to be too much exciting going on and settle him into a good paced walk but let him stretch his head.
How to ride it
Warm up: Walk for 10 minutes letting him stretch his head down – but make sure he isn’t just shuffling a long, make him walk with purpose!
Core work: Do the same in trot, make sure he is actually trotting forward but let him stretch his head down so that he can stretch through his back, once you have trotted for 5 minutes, walk again for 10 minutes and repeat throughout the length of your hack.
Head home: Just walk with a gentle contact, take in the scenery, chat to your horse, as long as your horse is walking with purpose.