Super digestible, super clean and super safe – Dengie explains the benefits of the latest addition to its range, Dengie Pure Grass.
As the name suggests Dengie Pure Grass is just that – pure grass. Nothing else is added – or taken away for that matter – so it provides a naturally tasty, high fibre feed ideal for adding to your bucket feed, providing more chew time whilst stabled, supplementing hay or grazing and can provide additional calories for poor-doers.
Super digestible
Harvesting at the optimum time means we can maximise the nutritional value of the grass.
This simply means we’re taking it before the grass matures so it’s easier for the microbes that live in the horse’s digestive system to break the fibre down.
Energy and nutrients are released from the fibrous structure meaning your horse will get more from Pure Grass than it would a sun-dried forage such as hay.
Super clean
The grass used in Pure Grass is dried using hot air to evaporate the moisture – tumble drying on a huge scale.
This produces a consistently clean fibre source. We regularly test our own and other forages to compare the levels of moulds which are measured in CFUs (colony forming units).
Our dried forages are consistently below 100CFU and often below 10CFU – about as clean as you can get – whereas sun-dried forages are typically 1000CFUs or more.
There’s a reason we invest in drying our grass the way we do and it’s to produce the cleanest, safest source of fibre possible.
Super safe
Traceability has never been more important, especially if you’re competing under rules. All the grass we use in Pure Grass is grown in the eastern counties of England which means we can trace every bag back to the field it was grown in.
We know exactly where the grass has come from, where it has been stored and what has been grown around it, giving you complete peace of mind should you be competing.
Dengie Pure Grass is naturally sweet, soft, highly digestible and palatable, ideal for:
– Horses on reduced turnout, limited grazing, box rest
– Partial or total hay replacer, can also be added to the bucket feed
– Veterans
– Other species such as goats, sheep and alpacas
Dengie Pure Grass is 100% natural, contains no added sugar, is free from preservatives, artificial flavours, molasses, straw and coatings. Non-GM.