An emergency appeal aiming to raise funds to help care for wounded, starving or unwell horses, donkeys and mules, as well as the communities they support, has been launched by Brooke following widespread flooding in Pakistan.
Over 750,000 livestock animals have already been killed in Pakistan since the crisis struck and large numbers of those that survive including horses, mules and donkeys require food and medical care.

Brooke has set up relief camps and mobile health units providing food, water, and longer-term rations for animals. The charity is also giving treatment to sick or injured animals and supporting the supply of food rations to equine-owning families.
Some of the people and animals Brooke plans to support in Pakistan are employed in brick kilns, where millions of working horses and donkeys help people transport bricks via pack and cart. With almost all of these flooded, brick kiln workers will lose their sole means of making a living for a considerable amount of time.

“Brooke Pakistan is keeping working horses, donkeys and mules alive during this crisis,” said Brooke Pakistan programme manager, Dr Javed Iqbal Gondal. “This also has the potential to save families and communities from destitution or a lifetime of debt.”
“When the floodwaters recede there will be people in Pakistan who still have a means to provide for their families because Brooke was there to care for their animals. The team here is immensely proud of that.”

Brooke is working to provide immediate relief to 10,000 animals affected by the flooding. Around 35000-40000 equine family members should also get rations through direct and partner intervention.
The organisation is planning to support 657 communities with feed and fodder, 560 of these are in brick kilns and 97 are in other workplaces. Sindh province, south east Pakistan is one of the worst hit areas where Brooke is operating.

“We will do everything we can for the working horses and donkeys hit by the floods and the people who depend on them,” added Brooke chief executive officer, Chris Wainwright.
“The crisis in Pakistan is on a scale which demands all types of aid. Some deliver food while others bring safe water supplies. Brooke stands alongside these NGOs providing food and veterinary care for the livestock of some of the worst hit populations so those communities have a future when the floods subside and they can rebuild.”