An equine charity which has seen calls for help to its Bristol base increase by 267%, has welcomed support from an equine products brand throughout 2025.

Red Horse Products, a UK-based manufacturer specialising in equine healthcare solutions, will provide HorseWorld Trust, a charity which rescues and rehabilitates horses, ponies, and donkeys, with both financial donations and a supply of their products.

“Partnerships like this are absolutely essential to our work, especially today,” said HorseWorld Trust chief executive Jo Coombs.

“The cost-of-living crisis has had a huge impact on our work. We’ve seen a 267% increase in calls from desperate owners who are concerned about being able to afford even the basic care their horses need.

“Demand for our specialist welfare care is increasing, but we simply can’t afford to take in all those who need us. 

Feeling the pinch

“Not only is demand increasing, but our costs have also increased significantly driven by the cost of feed and specialist veterinary care.  

“Many of our horses need emergency care when they first arrive, or ongoing medication and veterinary care once they are with us.  

“We have the space on our farm in Bristol to take more horses in, but we don’t have the funds to do so, as costs increase.

“We are so grateful to Louise [Austin, director at Red Horse Products] and the whole team and look forward to working with them this year.”

Monetary contribution

Red Horse Products will make an initial £500 donation to the charity and then will donate 20p from every website order made this year. They will also provide the team at HorseWorld Trust with products for hoof care, skincare, and wound support as well as run a number of fundraising initiatives during the year.

The company’s charitable giving doesn’t stop at HorseWorld Trust, they have also donated £250 and a supply of products to Munchkins Miniature Shetland Rescue, a charity committed to rescuing and rehabilitating miniature Shetland ponies, and Hampshire Spirit Horse Rescue, which offers refuge and care for abandoned and neglected horses while supporting local horse owners in need.

Images © HorseWorld Trust