The FEI has implemented climate mitigation measures in response to rising temperatures in Versailles in order to protect the welfare of the horses competing in the equestrian sports.

Dressage got underway at the Games today (Monday 30 July) with the first day of the Grand Prix. Amid the hot conditions, the international equestrian federation is working to keep the horses as comfortable as possible.

“While we strive for all equestrian events to take place in optimal climatic conditions, it is often logistically challenging to achieve such conditions,” said FEI Veterinary Director Göran Åkerström.

“Thanks to our protocols, horses cooled down swiftly and displayed no signs of heat stress, underscoring the efficacy of our climate mitigation strategies.”

The FEI uses the Wet Bulb Globe Temperature (WBGT) Index as a tool for assessing and managing thermal stress in equines. The WBGT Index measures solar radiation, ground heat reflection, humidity and windspeed, and is used by several sports as comprehensive index to monitor the climate’s effect on humans as well as horses.

“This precise method allows us to accurately gauge the potential for heat stress at events and implement the necessary measures to safeguard our horses’ and humans’ welfare,” continued Mr Åkerström.

“These measures get put in place once the WBGT index is higher than 28 degrees Celsius, and in today’s case the Index reached the high peak of 33.8 degrees Celsius.”

Key measures put in place today included:

  • Continuous WBGT Monitoring: Beginning at 9:30am this morning, monitoring of climatic conditions was implemented, and the data assessed the potential for heat stress on the field-of-play throughout the day.
  • Thermal Imaging and Veterinary Supervision: All horses were monitored with advanced thermal imaging technology by the veterinary team. This non-invasive technique accurately estimates body temperature from a distance, allowing for early identification of potential heat stress. Monitoring was conducted at warm-up stages and immediately upon horses returning from the field-of-play.
  • Cooling Stations: Further to the two cooling stations in place, three additional cooling stations were set up across the venue, equipped with cold water, ice, and people ready to assist with immediate cooling needs. The FEI said these stations provided “crucial support” for rapid temperature reduction of the horses, post-performance.

Amid a climate of increased concern surrounding equine welfare following Charlotte Dujardin’s provisional suspension and withdrawal from the Olympics, concern surrounding the conditions for horses is more prevalent than usual, particularly in the dressage arena.

The climate mitigation measures have been developed since the 1996 Olympic Games in Atlanta, to ensure the safety and optimal performance of equine athletes competing today.

The protocols were developed specifically for high-risk environments like Tokyo 2020 and have been adapted to suit local conditions for the Games in Paris.

Images by FEI/Liz Gregg

Further reading