Kind-hearted builders have helped a pony sanctuary after thieves broke into its donation box and damaged a hand-made cairn.

Last month, The Dartmoor Pony Heritage Trust was devastated to find the criminal damage. The car park collection box provided funds for the charity.

However, local businesses Kenmart, Olympus Building Supplies and Stone Face Construction, have helped improve the outlook for the charity by providing their time and materials to create a new cairn.

“We cannot thank them enough for building us a brand new car park donation cairn in time of the start of our busy season,” said Dru Butterfield, the charity’s CEO.

“Its an important lesson in life that when you’re facing a difficult time to ask for help. Our loyal friends and supporters have all been fantastic, but also new friends came to our aid, not only raising funds but providing such wonderful moral support.

“Out of a negative situation we now have a beautiful new cairn.”

The Dartmoor Pony Heritage Trust works to ensure a future for the native Dartmoor pony while inspiring and connecting people with Dartmoor’s wildlife, landscape and heritage.

“We have also taken delivery of 80 bales of hay and have future orders confirmed to ensure supply,” added a spokesman for the charity when they announced the good news. “Thank you once again for all those who donated.”

To support the charity and donate, visit

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