The London International Horse Show has announced Ebony Horse Club as its official charity for the 2022 event (15-19 December). Based in Brixton, South London, Ebony Horse Club’s mission is to use horses to raise the education, life skills, wellbeing and aspirations of young people from disadvantaged communities within Lambeth.

Ebony has strong ties with the London International Horse Show, having hosted the “London International Horse Show Riding Academy” in 2021. The Academy, an annual event for the show, is an opportunity for the London International’s riders, organisers and affiliates to share their knowledge with the next generation of equestrian stars – no matter their background – and provide insight into top level sport.

The 2021 Academy saw top young rider Jack Whitaker give a show jumping lesson to the Ebony students, while Paralympic gold medallist Natasha Baker gave a talk about her journey to the top and the challenges she faced to get there.

Ebony will receive revenue from London International ticket sales, with 50p from each ticket sold for the Thursday afternoon performance going directly to the charity, as well as a provision of tickets throughout the Show to enable Ebony Horse Club’s staff and riders to attend. In addition, Ebony will be taking an active part in the preparation for the show, where they will be involved with the 2022 Riding Academy.

‘‘We are extremely excited to be chosen as the London International Horse Show’s official charity this year,” said Admin and Yard Coordinator, Christine Lewis. “To be selected by such a prestigious event really speaks volumes to the reach of our message and it’s great to be recognised at such a high-profile occasion.

“We have worked with the London International Horse Show a few times in the past and our members absolutely love going along to the Show. Last year’s Riding Academy was just amazing. Some of our senior riders had the pleasure of being taught by Jack Whitaker and members were able to learn so much from Natasha Baker OBE about her equestrian and Olympic journey. It was such an inspiring day and something they still talk about now.

“We cannot wait to be more involved this year. It’ll be a great platform to raise awareness about our work. It’s truly going to be a day to remember for all involved. Thank you so much for the support’’

17-year-old Jasmine, a member of Ebony Horse Club, added: “The fact that the London International Horse Show have chosen Ebony as their 2022 charity is amazing! More young people will have the opportunity to experience the magic of Ebony.”

London International Horse Show Director, Simon Brooks-Ward, said: “Ebony Horse Club is a fantastic charity, enabling children from central London to be involved with horses, where they otherwise wouldn’t have the opportunity. We are delighted to be able to support them this year and look forward to working together in the months running up to the show, and at the show itself, to provide unforgettable experiences for the children and all involved.”

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