A miniature Shetland pony who was so thin that you could see his spine, ribs and hips is now transformed in Redwings’ care. Twenty-six-year-old Charlie to the charity in August 2022 after being rescued in an emaciated state. His owner has been prosecuted by the RSPCA.
“Charlie was a shocking sight, he was about as thin as an animal gets,” said Redwings’ Senior Field Officer, Jo Franklin. “He came to Redwings after a period of veterinary care at House & Jackson, who did an amazing job with him for which we’re very grateful.

“In order to continue treatment, and for Charlie to live his happiest life, he needed to be in a sanctuary environment, so Redwings offered to give him a forever home.”
It’s hoped Charlie, who is 8hh, will soon be able to be introduced to a small herd of other Shetlands.

“Since coming to us here at Redwings we’ve seen him totally transform into a healthy, happy pony,” said Jo. “He’s now out on grass and loves the company of his neighbours. He’s a very friendly boy and enjoys a scratch and a nuzzle from his carers.
“Charlie will never have to go without anything ever again thanks to our brilliant staff and the generosity of our amazing supporters, the Redwings angels.”
Redwings offered a home to 104 horses and ponies in need last year. One hundred and one Redwings’ horses were also rehomed to Guardians in 2023, who take on their everyday care. To make a donation to help Redwings continue to help ponies like Charlie, visit Charlie’s appeal here.
The largest horse welfare charity in the UK is celebrating its Ruby anniversary this year. To find out more about Redwings’ work over the past 40 years and get involved in the events that are taking place to celebrate, click here.