An equine feed company has been named as one of over 800 Royal Warrant holders.
Dengie Horse Feeds has been granted the Royal Warrant of supplier of horse feed to King Charles III.
Royal Warrant of appointments are granted as a mark of recognition to people or companies who have regularly supplied goods or services to the Royal Household. It is a tradition that dates back to the 15th century.
Dengie was first awarded a Royal Warrant by her late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II in 2007.
Environmentally conscious
“More recently there has been greater focus on a company’s sustainability credentials and this fits with Dengie’s ethos of producing sustainable feeds and supporting local farmers and businesses,” said a statement from Dengie.
“Dengie alfalfa is grown within 20 miles of where it is made into the finished feed and so has one of the lowest ‘feed miles’ of any horse feed ingredient and provides the best traceability possible.
“It is one of the few ingredients used in horse feeds that is produced specifically for horses ensuring that everything the company does is with the horse and the environment in mind.”
Royal Warrants are initially granted for up to five years and entitle the holder to display the Royal Arms in relation to their business.
Official endorsement
When the Royal Arms is used by a warrant holder it must also be accompanied by the Legend which provides details regarding which member of the Royal Family granted the Royal Warrant, the company name, the nature of the goods or services provided to them and the head office address of the company.
“We are delighted to have received the King’s warrant,” says Ian Hassard, managing director at Dengie.
“It really reflects the effort our team put in on a daily basis. We are very proud that this has been recognised by the King.”
Dengie Horse Feeds has teamed up with Essex Wildlife Trust’s Nature Neighbours campaign to encourage more people to make their yards, gardens and green spaces more wildlife friendly.
Main image © Dengie.
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