A new accredited training program has been launched with the aim of setting and improving standards within the field of equestrian intimate health. Harris Equine Intimate Health Specialists has had its training course approved by UKRS and CPD and will offer insight into safe and effective sheath cleaning.
“Having worked within the industry for nearly a decade, sheath cleaning has become more and more common and unfortunately as there were no industry bodies regulating the field, anyone can set up a business with zero knowledge or even a requirement to use ‘horse safe’ products,” said founder Stacy Harris. “Even among ‘top’ industry professionals throughout the UK there is an immense difference in knowledge and professionalism and this began to grow my concern.
“Our training is available to suitable individuals regardless of their geographical location. The only way to improve the industry is to share knowledge and expertise and accredit training and development and provide a support network to others.”
The course takes around six months to complete and includes several assessments before a practical evaluation.
For more information visit www.harrisequineintimatehealth.com/accredited-training
The Equine Intimate Health Federation
In line with the new training, Stacy has also registered an industry body, The Equine Intimate Health Federation, with the aim of helping to set industry standards worldwide. The not-for-profit body strives to ensure that all professionals possess a standardised level of knowledge and hold a certified qualification. The federation also helps horse owners locate a suitably qualified individual service provider in their area.
“Some owners still believe that sheath cleaning is simply about using a sponge and cleaning a horse’s intimate areas, whereas this vital service is now recognised by many veterinary surgeons,” added Stacy.
“Many owners do not know the industry is unregulated and trust that their cleaner will have the knowledge to highlight any potential causes for concern and refer to vets when required.
“The only way to improve the industry and the quality of service is to educate professionals, and to arm them with all the required knowledge to help save horses lives working in unison with registered veterinary practices.”
For more information visit www.equineintimatehealthfederation.org