The Keeping Britain’s Horses Healthy (KBHH) campaign has launched a new podcast series for vets which offers a range of perspectives on equine veterinary practice and investigates new developments in the industry.
In each episode, hosts Dr Ebony Escalona MRCVS and Dr Naomi Mellor MRCVS, both experienced equine vets, interview a range of experts leading the way on different approaches to equine health or working life.
Guests include BVA President Malcolm Morley MRCVS, equine behaviour specialist Gemma Pearson MRCVS and Little Rocks Equine Vets Director Shelley Cook MRCVS, covering topics such as working in unusual situations like Appleby Horse Fair, the ways in which technology can support horse welfare, and how to make flexible working a reality in an equine practice.
“Our varied line-up of guests will enable listeners to view the world of equine health and wellness through a different lens, providing valuable inspiration in their working and personal lives,” said Blaise Scott-Morris MRCVS, Equine Marketing and Technical Manager. “Whether you are a seasoned equine vet or a general practice vet looking to expand your knowledge of equine medicine, our podcast will provide you with useful insights and information.”
The KBHH Equine Vets Podcast is available on all mainstream podcast platforms, with a new episode released each month. To find out more, click here.
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