British Horse Feeds is celebrating 25 years of its flagship product Speedi-Beet this month — and the small chestnut pony that inspired its creation.

When the l’Anson’s family pony Dora was diagnosed with laminitis nearly three decades ago, they couldn’t find a suitable feed for her to eat as part of a balanced diet. The only beet products on the market at the time were sugar beet shreds and pellets, and both required soaking for at least 12 hours and contained high sugar levels.

“Dora was our first grounding and understanding of horse ownership,” said Will l’Anson. “Although we were manufacturing horse feed in a small way, this led us into a greater understanding of the equine feed market, principles of nutrition and the ownership and development of the division British Horse Feeds.”

We owe it to Dora

Hattie is pictured with Dora

It was Will forgetting to soak the beet overnight that triggered a thought process about soaking fibre and what could be done to make it more convenient, safe to feed and lower in sugar.

He went on to develop Speedi-Beet in 1989, working alongside ingredient suppliers, Leeds University, nutrition consultant Dr Tom Shurlock and selected feed partners.

It ticked the boxes of being quick soaking (10 minutes), low in sugar and, crucially, suitable for good doers, overweight equines and those prone to diseases like laminitis.

Dora died in 2022 aged 28.

“If it hadn’t been for Dora, Speedi-Beet would never have been developed and neither, of course, would our other fibre product — Fibre-Beet — have come to the horse feed market,” said Will’s daughter, Hattie, who is international business and strategic lead manager at British Horse Feeds.

“We have an awful lot to thank Dora for, as we celebrate 25 years of helping horses and ponies prone to laminitis with a beneficial feed like Speedi-Beet.”

Images © British Horse Feeds

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