A group of women who worked together to save 13 horses suffering in a field in London have visited World Horse Welfare in Norfolk to see how they are recovering — and it was an emotional reunion.

The neglected horses were living without food, water or shelter. Their field was infested with redworm and fencing was poor. Loose barbed wire had been there so long it was embedded into the ground and three stallions had started to fight. They lived without any basic care or essentials, including veterinary care, for several years.

The women, who live near the field in Harefield in the London Borough of Hillingdon, cared for the herd until they could be rescued. They hosted fundraising events to fund vital supplies, including hay and water.

“They were sad but they had fight in them and that really resonated with us,” said Zoe, one of the carers.

“We all got together and thought, ‘we want to help them’. We got more out of it than they ever did to be honest.”

Watch a video about the rescue and reunion below:

‘They were dying in front of us’

“But when they were dying in front of us, that was when we knew we had to do something (more),” continued Zoe. “We first found out about World Horse Welfare when we started pressuring the council and they were just brilliant.”

None of the horses were microchipped. The charity believed someone owned the horses, but it proved impossible to find out who.

The land the horses were living on was owned by a consortium of 70 people, which also made the rescue difficult.

“I first got involved with the Harefield Horses about four years ago. We had welfare cases with individual horses — some got out on the road and were hit by a car, and sadly a mare died giving birth,” said field officer Becky Bedson.

“With each passing winter their situation deteriorated, and each year, ill and injured horses were removed from the group.

“It got to a point where we needed to do something as a collective, for the whole herd, because the historical evidence said that they were all likely to suffer if we didn’t rescue them.”

So much love and attention

World Horse Welfare, the local council plus a vet and other charities worked together to take the horses to Hall Farm, one of World Horse Welfare’s rescue centres, in Norfolk.

Once the horses had been assessed, treated and settled in, the group of local residents were invited to visit the horses at their new home.

“It’s just been incredible seeing how far the horses have come and to see what everyone has done for them,” said Liv, another of the carers.

“I think it goes without saying World Horse Welfare has done incredible amounts. They have given [the horses] so much love and attention, which is so important in building a bond between human and horse.

“It’s given us a lot of motivation to keep doing what we are doing in supporting them.”

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