The UK’s first plastic free, non-toxic fibre blend for arena surfaces has been unveiled.

Noviun Fibre, which has been developed by ArenaMend and delivered in partnership with Equus Group, was launched in the UK at the London International Horse Show in December.

The surface is made from a blend of natural fibres such as the grass miscanthus and offers a sustainable alternative to existing traditional surfaces. 

While traditional surfaces often contain synthetic materials which release microplastics into the environment, leach chemicals into waterways and are not biodegradable, Noviun is not a recycled industrial product and is more environmentally friendly.

The way the fibres in Noviun are mixed creates a consistent and reliable surface and mimics the natural performance of turf grass. This allows the surface to offer a superior grip, improves impact absorption and reduces the risk of injury for horse and rider. 

“Equestrianism has always shared an innate connection with the natural world, and we have a profound responsibility to preserve it for future generations,” said Hugh Daly, managing director at Equus Group.

“The launch of Noviun in the UK demonstrates how the equestrian industry can lead the way in creating a plastic-free world, ensuring it continues its social license to operate while enhancing performance and safety for both horse and rider.”

Natural is best

Noviun has the seal of approval from Ruth Dancer, director at White Griffin, who are specialists in environmental sustainability, who mentioned the product during a recent World Horse Welfare webinar on sustainable equestrianism. 

“Good looks like natural,” said Ruth.

“The best possible option is to move away from plastics and any kind of poly surface.

“There’s a new surface that’s just been launched in the UK called Noviun. 

“I suspect we will see a lot more of that come about as people realise that essentially allowing ourselves to be the dumping ground for highly toxic waste from other industries isn’t where we want to be. We want to have a really healthy environment for our horses and our riders.” 

Noviun has already been launched and is being used by several equestrian centres in the US.

Main image © Noviun Fibre.

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