Every horse owner and rider needs a decent mane and tail detangler in their grooming kit, as it can help to keep vulnerable tail hair strong, tangle-free and in tip-top condition.
Having your horse’s mane and tail tangle-free not only ensures they look their best, but also guards against damage by making them easier to brush through so that less hair breaks. This results in a fuller, healthier and shinier tail.
Before you buy, our testing team has put a selection of mane and tail detanglers to the test to find out which do a good job.
How we tested these mane and tail detanglers
Each detangler has been used on three different horses’ tails, multiple times. They were used as per the manufacturer’s instructions and on freshly washed, wet tails, as well as dry tails.
Each mane and tail detangler has been assessed for how well it works on both dry and wet tails, and how long-lasting the effects are. We have rated each item for ease of use, effectiveness and value for money.
ShowSheen Hair Polish and Detangler, from Absorbine

How easy is it to use?
“This detangler is very easy to apply as it has a great spray. You have the option of a vertical or horizontal fan spray so very little product is wasted and you can alter it depending on whether you are spraying a mane or tail. This detangler even sprays upside down, which is a bonus. I found that I only needed to use three or four sprays cover my horse’s full tail.”
Does it do a good job?
“After applying this detangler, I find that tangles comb out with minimum effort. Very little bedding sticks to the tail, cutting down on grooming time too. I also noticed less hair coming out on the brush, so there is less breakage and it leaves my horse’s tail looking full, shiny, and healthy. The manufacturer states that this detangler is clinically proven to reduce breakage by 40% for fuller and healthier looking tails, and my test supports this. The effects last a good length of time too. It was around four days before I felt like more product was needed. This detangler doesn’t have a strong smell either; it’s simply clean and fresh.”
Value for money?
“This is mane and tail detangler comes in a large bottle and a little goes a long way, so I think it is good value for money.”
RRP £19.61 for 946ml (US$22.89)
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Carr & Day & Martin Canter Mane & Tail Conditioner

How easy is it to use?
“I am a long-term user of this product, because I was already using it when I was asked to test it. There is always a bottle in my tack room and on my lorry. I use it on all my horses. The spray gives full tail coverage in just a couple of squirts and the bottle can be held at an angle too. It doesn’t work upside down, but I never really need it to.”
Does it do a good job?
“This is a really effective mane and tail conditioner and detangler. I have used it as a ‘cheat’ when bringing my horse in from the field with a muddy tail and spraying with this rather than washing. It works just as effectively on dry tails as it does on wet tails after washing. After every use, the tail is silky smooth, shiny and easy to brush through. Personally, I prefer a spray rather than a serum because I don’t like the feeling of slippery hands after applying it. I avoid using any detangler product on my horses’ manes because I don’t like them to be slippery — I do a lot of hacking and jumping, so I need to be able to grab on and grip the mane sometimes!”
Value for money?
“This is competitively priced and offers good value as it does a great job. I like this whole range — I use the Canter Coat Shine as well and have done for years.”
RRP £12.50 for 500ml
Buying in the UK? Purchase here
Showmaster Detangler Classic

How easy is it to use?
“This mane and tail detangler has a good spray that gives good coverage over the horse’s tail. It does have a light fragrance to it, but it’s not overpowering and I don’t mind it.”
Does it do a good job?
“This product left my horse’s tail feeling super soft and conditioned, as well as easy to brush though. Any tangles just melted away and there were virtually no shavings stuck in the tail after my horse had been lying down. This means less grooming and less hair breakage, which is a great combination. The effects of the spray last four to five days. I found the tail still looks good and feels great at this stage, but any tangles and knots in the tail hair are a little more difficult to brush out and so I topped up the spray.”
Value for money?
“You won’t go wrong with this detangler. It gives great results and it’s a great price too.”
RRP £9.99 for 500ml
Buying in the UK? Purchase here
NAF Silky Mane & Tail D-tangler

How easy is it to use?
“This is a good spray that covers the tail well. With five or six squirts, all of my horse’s tail is covered. It comes in a larger bottle than many others in this test but it’s a good shape and easy to hold.
Does it do a good job?
“This mane and tail detangler leaves my horse’s tail feeling soft and easy to brush through. Any knots were easily removed with minimum effort and little hair came out on the brush. I’m impressed by how long this detangler lasts after being applied. Four days after using it, my horse’s tail still feels soft and has very few knots.”
Value for money?
“I think this is an effective product that lasts a good length of time, making it good value.”
RRP £10.79 for 750ml
Buying in the UK? Purchase here
Supreme Products Detangle & Shine

How easy is it to use?
“This product has a good spray that gives coverage over the horse’s whole tail in four or five squirts. Then you work it into the tail with your hands and brush it through. The instructions on this product are a little different compared to other mane and tail detanglers I have used. You apply it daily for two to three days and then use it weekly.”
Does it do a good job?
“The results I have had after using this mane and tail detangler are impressive. My horse’s tail looks fuller and healthier with very little hair breakage during grooming. Tangles are quickly and easily removed after applying this spray. The tail is soft and has a nice shine. The effects last too. It was day five before knots became harder to remove.”
Value for money?
“You do use more of this product initially, so the bottle has gone down quite quickly. However, the results are good and this is an effective detangler.”
RRP £16.10 for 500ml (US$22)
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Cavalor Star Shine

How easy is it to use?
“I found this mane and tail detangler quick and easy to apply. The spray covers a wide area so four of five squirts gives you the coverage you need for a shiny, tangle-free tail.”
Does it do a good job?
“Tangles were easy to remove after using this spray and there were fewer shavings in my horse’s tail each morning, meaning less grooming time — a bonus when you’re rushing to be done in time for work. The effects lasted for a good four days, making it an effective detangler. It has a clean fresh smell and leaves the hair feeling soft, with a healthy shine.”
Value for money?
“Although there are cheaper detanglers on the market, this is very effective and it leaves tail hair in great condition.”
RRP £17.99 for 500ml (US$24.99)
Buying in the UK? Purchase here
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HY Equestrian Magic Sheen Detangler Serum

How easy is it to use?
“This serum is applied by hand. You pop a bit in your palm and work it into the tail. It’s not quite as easy and convenient as a spray and it takes longer to apply than a traditional spray, but it’s not difficult and if you do it properly you can get really good coverage of the whole tail.”
Does it do a good job?
“I have to say that I am super impressed with this product. It leaves the tail really shiny and any knots were easily removed. Also, I noticed no bedding in the tail after a night in the stable, helping to cut down on grooming time. Having less need to brush through the tail several times a day helped it to be stronger and fuller too. The effects of this detangler lasted well. The shine was still there after a couple of days and the tail remained easy to brush for around five days.”
Value for money?
“This is on the expensive side, but I’m impressed with the results and I would recommend it. It leaves the tail feeling and looking really healthy. Just bear in mind you need to allow enough time to apply it properly. It’s not a quick spray and go.”
RRP £16.50 for 200ml (US$9.02 – PROMOTION)
Buying in the UK? Purchase here
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Lincoln Piaffe Mane & Tail Conditioner

How easy is it to use?
“I have found this mane and tail conditioner easy to use and apply. Four or five squirts will cover the tail, which is in keeping with similar products in this test.”
Does it do a good job?
“After applying this spray, my horse’s tail looks healthy and feels soft. It contains Pro Vitamin B5 to strengthen the hair and there are very few hairs in the brush after grooming. Very little bedding is in the tail, which reduces grooming time. Knots took a little bit more effort to remove, so it was not quite as effective as some others in this test, and the effects didn’t last as long – after a few days the tail felt like more product needed to be used on it again and I had to top it up.”
Value for money?
“This is one of the cheapest on the market, although it is also a smaller bottle. The initial results are very good, they’re just not long-lasting. You can buy it in bigger bottles, but the smaller ones are really convenient for storing on the horsebox and inside a grooming kit.”
RRP £7.99 for 250ml (US$15.21 for 500ml)
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